February is National Pet Dental Health month. To help educate pet owners of the benefits and seriousness of the dental health of their furry friends, I helped develop this series of personalized emails for Petco to both dog and cat demographics.
Client: Petco
Agency: JAM Direct
Project: Petco Dental Month – Email 1
Position: Art Direction
Category: eDM
In the first touch point, we focused on the educational aspect of your pet’s dental health. With a carousel that featured several facts, as well as including a helpful video to how you can better clean your pet’s teeth at home; this email created a successful balance between the product and educational focus.
Client: Petco
Agency: JAM Direct
Project: Petco Dental Month – Email 2
Position: Art Direction
Category: eDM
The second touch point brought more educational facts to customers. In a personalized approach with fast facts and special offers in-store, pet owners can take control of their pet’s dental health and be more informed when making these important decisions for the health of their cat or dog.